Christmas is fast approaching and can be quite an uncertain time for tenants not knowing what to do in case of an emergency at your property. Rest assured, whilst our offices will be closing there are procedures in place to ensure emergencies are dealt with accordingly. From Wednesday 23rd December our offices will be closing up until Monday 4th January. Below, you will find emergency contact numbers and details for all emergency repairs.
Emergency Contact Details
National Gas Helpline
If you have or suspect a gas leak or loss of gas supply, call the National Gas Helpline on 0800 111 999 (24 hours, 7 days a week).
National Power Cut Helpline
If you have or suspect an electrical power cut, call the National Power Cut Helpline on 105 (24 hours, 7 days a week).
Water Emergency
If you are unsure what to do in case of on emergency please text 07976 378349 where you will be advised on what to do. Before you make contact please ensure it is a genuine emergency, i.e a major leak. If a contractor is called to what is NOT a genuine emergency, i.e a broken light bulb, broken fence panel etc, a call out charge will be incurred on the tenants behalf amounting to £100.00. Please note the increased difficulty in sourcing contractors over the festive periods